New Pottery Blog Added!
If you look to the right, you'll see a whole list of links to click on. One of my favorite sections is titled, "Pottery Blogs". Oryoki left me a comment a while back to let me know that the Boulder Potters' Guild had a new blog. It took me a few days to get it online, but it's there now! The Boulder blog has tons of great pictures of pots. Check it out!
Hi, I've just started a blog for pottery tech support:
Wondering if you would like to trade links.
I have a problem when I fire my pottery after it's been painted. It seams to come out dark as if I have burned the glaze or something. DFoes anyone have a schedule or timing chart that I can use to fire my pottery. I don't have whittness cones and I don't know how to use them even if I did. I am very new to all of this however I ffind it very relaxing to mold clay into something and fire it then glaze it and end up with my own creations. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.
I can be emailed at for anyone wishing to help me with some advice.
Thanks in advance...
great blog! I have linked to you on my blog Hope you will do the same!
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