Thursday, October 27, 2005


Our Annual Winter Sale begins Tuesday, November 1st and runs through the end of December (lots of time to shop and get our best prices!). Check out the sale prices online or look in your mailbox in the next couple of weeks (mail delivery times may vary dramatically with bulk mailing - please be patient) to see our awesome specials and TWO NEW ITEMS!


Anonymous said...

I love that new Gravity-Fed Spray Gun you have on sale for $38.50! They were really popular at Lattice Structures (The Crystalline Glaze symposium). I had the opportunity to try it out and it is really fantastic!
Also wondering... what's the scoop on this Red Star Wheel?

Anne M. Bracker said...

The Red Star wheel was created by Tom Forte at Thomas Stuart Wheels specifically for Steven Hill at Red Star. Steven told Tom his "wish list" of features on a wheel and Tom designed and manufactured it. The Red Star Wheel package includes some of Steven's favorite pottery toys and tools. Check that out, too!